these are my samples presented in my sketchbook.
the first three are my weaves. i have already shown pictures of these but this is a picture of them in my sketchbook.
the fourth is an embroidery sample reading "sense", the second is a couching sample in the shape of "&" and i have then wrote sensibility as this is one of jane austen's novels.
the fifth is a collection of three samples. one is embroidery reading "park", the second is hand stitching samples and the third is embroidery with wool reading "abbey"
the sixth is two saples reading "pride" and "+" for pride and prejudice, another of jane austen's novels.
the seventh and final is a needle felting sample reading the word "emma"
Hi Erin, some really strong work displayed so far! Well done!! I want to see some close ups of your wonderful fabric samples and you also need to evaluate the success of your work on your blog more clearly...but really strong so far!